Jump TV, Inc.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Victoria Beckham, tired of people complaining bout her size

Victoria Beckham is reportedly drinking wine to increase her appetite, it has been claimed.

The former Spice Girl - who is reported to have shrunk to a size 0, a U.K. size 4 - is tired of people criticizing her for being underweight and has turned to alcohol to "give her the munchies."

A source told Closer magazine: "It's the reason she has a drink. If she has a wine or two then she'll have an appetite like everyone gets when they're on a night out and drinking.

"She's got a big wine cooler in her house in Madrid and will have one in California when she finds a house. She and David have a life director who is helping them organize the move and she is also sourcing nice Californian wines."

It has been reported Victoria, 32, eats just one meal a day, refuses to touch carbohydrates and will only eat steamed fish, vegetables and salads.

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